Monday, May 7, 2007

Irish irony

Irish truck drivers will protest tomorrow by staging a go-slow on the m50. They are upset at excessive delays on the m50. So they are going to delay things even more. Who knows if this info was leaked by the government or the opposition...who knows anything anymore after a bizarre weekend that felt like a month in politics.

Heads are spinning up and down the country and who knows, maybe people will welcome the perverse ambiance truckers will create on Ireland's worst piece of tarmac. The sound of engines ticking over and expensive petrol being wasted; frustrated workers beeping horns; snippets of women in suits crying they'll be late down their hands free kit; who knows, when put alongside the claims and counter claims of a wearying weekend, who knows - maybe people will support the truckers.

But probably not. Nobody will disagree that the m50 is the seventh circle of hell but who will support the truckers' action? It seems like a dumb move to me. This battle is over, the m50 is too small by at least a lane - the government knew this at the time it was being built but decided to plough on with the project anyway. It's all causes and effects; wise men tackle the former, idiots focus on the latter.

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