Thursday, March 29, 2007

French election

It's a little bit hard for me, in far away Ireland, to add anything new to the coverage of the upcoming French Presidential elections. So instead I think I will just try and pull together as much of the coverage as I can. Mostly it comes from English papers which people can find online if they bother to check. Granted that most people don't have time for all that (although maybe they do if they have time for reading this blog!) so I'll hunt and gather, just like your great, great, great Grandad did when we Irish we're under the repressive jackboot of colonial rule and had to roam the land to get a bite to eat. And he wasn't eating a fuckin panini either I can tell ya!

Anyway here's a great slideshow from the Guardian, a left leaning paper that isn't showing much support to the left leaning candidate, Segleone Royal.

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