Thursday, February 1, 2007

My wealth

Budget Travel have an ad on bus-stops at the moment. It is written in WARNING! yellow and red. And it says:

"Not booking a Budget travel holiday will seriously damage your wealth. "

I don't get it.

If I book a holiday, of any sort, I will have to hand over some cash. Then, I will have less cash, or - if you like to use big words when small ones will do - wealth.

If I do NOT book a holiday, my wealth will be the same. I will not have less of it; it will not be damaged.

Of course the ad is meant to render feelings of panic and anxiety in people who get buses to work; that if they don't book two weeks in the baking sun surrounded by whingey kids, horny teens and two-for-one beer promos, their health will suffer drastically. The stress of your normal, working life will kill you. Get away from it all, or something.

Booking a Budget Travel holiday will seriously damage your wealth.


Anonymous said...

Tch! You can prove anything with facts.

The Pillion Passenger said...

That's an interesting fact.

The Pillion Passenger said...

Also thank you for commenting. You are the first. Congratulations. A PP hoodie is winging its way to you.